Study Abroad

Cost of Study Abroad in Japan (Living Cost and Tuition Fees)

"Cost of Study Abroad in Japan"

"Cost of Study Abroad in Japan"Here you will get the information about tuition fees and living cost for study abroad in Japan.

Tuition Fess in Japan Universities:

Tuition fees for higher education in Japan are extreme expensive than then that of universities in UK and US.  The tuition fees that have to compensated consist of admission fee, tuition fee, and facility and equipment fees. The average fees charged by Japanese universities is yen 535,800 and the national university fees is just about at yen 390,000 and in case of public universities the rate is anywhere between yen 536,682. Hence the disintegration’s of tuition fees for a number of educational programs are as follows-

  • Bachelor’s Degree (programs) – Yen 550,000 to Yen 4,380,550
  • Master’s Degree (programs) – Yen 665,676 to Yen 1,229,361
  • Master of Business Management degree (programs) – Yen 802,000 average and onwards
  • Doctorate degrees (programs) – Yen 5, 54,911 to Yen 1, 23,212

Living Cost in Japan:

If it is tough to estimate the average cost of living, the guileless reason being that ample depends on the student standard of living and different other capricious factors. Given below is a elementary estimation in terms of living cost whereas studying in the country.

Living and Other Expenses- The cost of living in Japan is exclusive and expressly in major cities of Tokyo. However students desiring to live in metropolises would support themselves for a greater cost. Second tier towns and semi urban zone are reasonable in contrast to the same. Costs of living include various other expenses, accommodation, food, travel, books, study material and different study costs. The cost of living expenses costs between Yen 150,000 to yen 180,000. However the expenditures depend on the lifestyle continued by the student.

Cost of Accommodations – Accommodations costs can be estimated as follows –

  • Average cost of accommodations – Yen 34,000
  • Rented flat in Gifu – yen 70,000
  • Single room apartment in Tokyo can cost anywhere between Yen 50,000 on a monthly basis

Medical and health insurance- Global students desiring to study in the country have to get themselves registered at the National Health Insurance Section of the municipality (province) that they belong to. The fees diverge from country to country however the average monthly fee for the same is yen 3000 per month. When enrolled with the National Health Insurance, international student have to pay 30 percent of their medical insurance.

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