In support of our international students, the University of the West of Scotland offers several scholarship and incentive schemes.
Study Subjects and Level:
Scholarships are provided to study any of the courses offered by the University of the West of Scotland. The Scholarships are obtainable for research studies at University of the West of Scotland in UK.
Full fee paying self-funding (non-EU) international students. You must have applied for and been offered a place on a full time Higher Degree by research program at the University. This scholarship cannot be combined with any other UWS scholarship.
Scholarship Value:
Full fee paying students may be eligible for a £3,500 scholarship upon receipt of complete application with associated documentation. You would also be entitled to a further 10% discount if you pay your fees in full, prior to or on enrollment.
Selection Criteria:
A limited amount of awards will be available for specific research areas and will be granted on academic merit.
How to Apply?
You must have applied for and been offered a place on a full-time Higher Degree by Research program at the University. To apply for entry to one of our postgraduate programs please refer to the section in: http://www.uws.ac.uk/international-students/applications/how-to-apply/
You should state on your application that you are applying for an International Research Excellence Scholarship.
For further information: http://www.uws.ac.uk/international-students/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships/