
How to Run effective meetings?

"How to run effective meetings"

"How to run effective meetings"Turn around that terrifically boring staff meeting with these six tips.

Change the format:

That round table of chairs can make people feel vulnerable. Research suggests stand-up meetings accomplish just as much in one-third the time.

Bring goodies:

A box of doughnuts not only leads to better turnout, but can also quickly lighten the mood.

Start with the good stuff:

Tell a team success story right off — or better, ask someone to relay one — and set the tone for a positive meeting.

Keep it short:

No meeting should to run more than 90 minutes. Set a limit at the start and have one team member keep track of the time.

Stick to the agenda:

Focus on the purpose of the meeting. That doesn’t always have to be about making a decision.

Keep the pressure off:

Setting the bar too high for what a meeting can accomplish can put too much pressure on the people attending. Be realistic.

Courtesy: Eric Barton, BBC

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