Curtin University Completion Scholarship Scheme is designed to provide financial assistance to Doctoral candidates during the final four months of their full-time thesis enrollment. Scholarships are tenable for a period of 4 months, during which time the student must complete and submit their thesis.
Study Subjects and Level:
Scholarships are provided within the Curtin Business School, Humanities, Health Sciences, Science & Engineering and Centre for Aboriginal Studies. The Scholarships are available for studying doctoral students during the final four months of their full-time thesis enrollment at Curtin University in Australia.
To be eligible to be considered for a Curtin Completion Scholarship, at time of application, students must:
- be enrolled in a research Doctoral degree at Curtin University of Technology;
- Students who initially enrolled prior to September 2000 must have been enrolled for not less than 3 and not more than 5 Equivalent Full-time (EFT) years; or
- Students who enrolled from 1st September 2000 must have been enrolled for not less than 2 and not more than 4 equivalent Full-time (EFT) years.
- be enrolled full-time during the award;
- not be Curtin staff members in receipt of assistance (e.g. paid leave or teaching relief) from the University;
- not already hold a Doctoral degree deemed equivalent to the educational level of an Australian Doctoral degree;
- not hold a Completion Scholarship in conjunction with another scholarship with an annual stipend exceeding $10,000.
Scholarship Open for:
International, Australian and New Zealand doctoral students during the final four months of their full-time thesis enrollment at Curtin University can apply for the scholarships.
Number of Scholarships: Six scholarships are offered.
Scholarship Duration:
Scholarships are tenable for a period of 4 months, during which time the student must complete and submit their thesis.
Scholarship Value:
The Completion Scholarships are valued at $6,000* over 4 months, during which time the student must complete and submit their thesis. Students must be able to demonstrate that their thesis can be submitted within four (4) months from the commencement of the award and prior to consumption of 4 EFTSL. The Stipend will be paid in three equal installments:
- $2,000 at the beginning of the award;
- $2,000 at the completion of 2 months provided an agreed milestone is met to the satisfaction of the supervisor; and
- $2,000 on submission of thesis for examination, providing this is within 4 months of commencement of the award. A further thesis allowance of up to $200 for costs associated with the production of the thesis is claimable upon submission of receipts.
Selection Criteria: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit.
How to Apply? Applicants should apply by post or email.
Application Deadline: 28th February 2014.
For further information: Curtin University Completion Scholarships