HSC result 2015 will be publish very soon. In accordance to political unrest in Bangladesh its delayed to the time of HSC Exam. May it will be publish on 09 August 2015. In this year total participant of HSC examination is 10,75,000 (Ten lac Seventy Five thousand) approx..
Regarding the government rules the result must be published within 60 days after examination. To know HSC result 2015 visit the education board Bangladesh website http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/regular/index.php or
You can get the HSC result by the Mobile SMS. To get the HSC result just type “Roll Number<space>First 3 Letters of your Board<space>Years” send to 16222 from any mobile.
Example: For Comilla Board. “Roll number<space>COM<space>2015” than send to 16222.