Study Abroad

Cost of Study Abroad in Australia (Tuition Fees & Living Cost)

"Living cost in Australia"

"Living cost in Australia"The living standard in Australia is among that of the highest countries. A overseas student living in Australia has to disburse for anything between AUS$ 16000 – AUS$ 20000 as living expenditures which include food, clothing, accommodation, local transport, gas/electricity, telephone, stationery, and entertainment in every year of study. However, this can be different considerably by location and lifestyle.

Tuition fees: Tuition fees are based on courses and these are determined by the institutions itself. However, definite courses like Vocational education and training fee between AUS$ 10000 to AUS$ 18000 per year. English language courses expense AUS$ 8000 to AUS$ 16000. Undergraduate programs at various universities differ from anything between AUS$ 10000 to AUS$ 16000 per year. Post graduate programs differ from AUS$ 10000 to AUS$ 19000 per year.

Overseas student health cover: Australia has a particular scheme of health cover insurance for global students called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). This is prearranged by the institution when a student reaches in Australia. It is not appropriate to students doing a course for fewer than three months. The premium starts from AUS$ 75 for a cover of up to AUS$ 350-AUS$370 per year.

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