Study Abroad

Cost of Study Abroad in Denmark (Living Cost and Tuition Fees)

"Cost of Study Abroad in Denmark"

"Cost of Study Abroad in Denmark"Here you will get the information about tuition fees and living cost for study abroad in Denmark.

Tuition Fees:

Higher education in Denmark is usually provided free of charge for all EU/EEA students and for students who are participating in an exchange program. All other students have to pay a tuition fee. Annual tuition fees for full-time degree students range from 6,000 to 16,000 Euro.
You also do not pay for tuition if you at the time of application have a:

  • Permanent residence permits (‘permanent opholdstilladelse’)
  • Temporary residence permit that can be upgraded to a permanent one (‘midlertidig opholdstilladelse mmf varigt ophold’)
  • Residence permit as the accompanying child of a non-EU/EEA parent holding a residence permit based on employment (§9a of the Danish Aliens Act – text in Danish)

Living Cost:

Average monthly living expenditures are anticipated to be between 650-800 Euros. This includes accommodation but excludes tuition fees.

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