Study Abroad

Cost of Study Abroad in Finland (Living Cost and Tuition Fees)

"Cost of Study Abroad in Finland"

"Cost of Study Abroad in Finland"
Here you will get the information about the cost of study abroad in Finland. Tuition fees and living cost information are given below-

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are not requisite of a degree student at Arcada. Essential books and study material is though paid by the student. The annual membership fees of the Student Union of ca 35 euros give the rights to numerous student discounts.

Seeing as university education is funded by the State through the Ministry of Education, students enrolled in regular degree studies pay no tuition fees. However, Tuition fees may be collected on a trial base in future.

Living Cost:

The monthly living cost for a student in Finland is approximately EUR 750. This includes accommodation, travel and food bills. Relaxation would be additional since there is a bunch to do in Finland. Also, medical insurance has to be taken concern of you. A sensible approach of doing that is joining a student union which takes concern of medical insurance as well as provides a student card which can assist in availing discounts.

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