Summer semester:
BBA, MBA, EMBA, CSE, English (Hons), M.A English (Preli. & Final), Economics (Hons), Sociology (Hons), LL.B (Hons), LL.B (Pass), LL.M – 01 Year, LL.M – 2 Years, Mathematics (Hons)
Fall Semester:
Architecture, Pharmacy, EEE, EEE (For Diploma Eng.) (Classess on Friday & Saturday)
Special features:
- Excellent academic environment for modern knowledge
- Well designed own campus
- Competent foreign degree holder teachers
- North American standard curriculum
- Extra-curricular & cultural programs
- Modern spacious class rooms & examination halls
- Modern labs, Library with 35000 books
- 10 – 100% waiver for meritorious & deserving students
Special Discount on Spot Admission Tk. 10,000/-
Fair Date: 25 May to 05 June 2013
Venue: Bangladesh University Campus
Time: 10.00 am to 8.00 pm everyday
Address: 15/1, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01755559301, 01711931466, 01744291258
Email: admissionbu@gmail.com
Website: www.bu.edu.bd