The University of Edinburgh offers a number of Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships for postgraduate Master’s study in eligible programs supported by the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation for the 2014-2015 academic session.
A number of Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships are available for postgraduate Master’s study in eligible programs supported by the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation for the 2014-2015 academic sessions. The aim of the scholarships is to attract the best and most motivated people to Edinburgh to play a part in building low carbon economies around the world.
Study Subjects:
Scholarships are provided for studying MSc in Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon Finance, Carbon Management, Sustainable Energy Systems and LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law offered by the University of Edinburgh in UK.
Study Level:
Applications from students studying a one-year taught Master’s degree in one of the following eligible subject areas are considered:
- MSc in Carbon Capture and Storage
- MSc in Carbon Finance
- MSc in Carbon Management
- MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems
- LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law
The scholarships are open to UK, EU and overseas students who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis to an eligible postgraduate Master’s program of study at the University of Edinburgh. Applications from students studying a one-year taught Master’s degree in one of the following eligible subject areas are considered: MSc in Carbon Capture and Storage, MSc in Carbon Finance, MSc in Carbon Management, MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems, and LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law.
Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer. Candidates who already hold full sponsorship are not eligible for the Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships.
Applications for this scholarship for students on the MSc in Carbon Finance will only be considered from students who are normally resident in any country in Africa or any least developed country.
Scholarship Open: UK, EU and overseas students can apply for the scholarships.
Scholarship Duration: Scholarship will be offered for an academic year.
Scholarship Value:
Each scholarship will have a value of up to £8,000 which will be tenable for one academic year, with the exception of the award linked to the MSc Carbon Finance which will be worth £16,000.
Selection Criteria:
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the benefits to the student. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain the international equivalent of a UK first class or 2:1 Honors degree at undergraduate level.
Notification: The winners of the scholarships will be announced in early June 2014.
How to Apply?
Applicants should consult each of the eligible program webpages for details on how to apply.
Application Deadline: 25th April 2014.
For further information: Deutsche Post DHL Scholarships