Applications are sought from appropriately qualified candidates who would like to pursue a part-time PhD program of research in the area of Educational Policy and Practice within the School of Education. The focus of the research will be on one of the ‘grand challenges’ of our time, the relationship between socio-economic disadvantage and low educational achievement and what might be done to close the gap between learners from more and less advantaged backgrounds. The successful candidate will be part of a larger team involved in a new and exciting initiative at the University of Glasgow exploring ways in which research, policy and practice might interact to promote more equitable education systems.
Study Subjects and Level:
Scholarship is provided to study in the field of Educational Policy and Practice within the School of Education at University of Glasgow. The Scholarship is available for studying PhD degree at University of Glasgow.
The successful candidate will be part of a larger team involved in a new and exciting initiative at the University of Glasgow exploring ways in which research, policy and practice might interact to promote more equitable education systems. In the first instance, potential candidates should prepare an outline proposal addressing the following key questions: What policies, processes and practices demonstrate success in loosening the link between low educational achievement and disadvantage? How can these practices be moved across and between schools while retaining their potency? This research should be designed to shed new light on enduring questions that have preoccupied researchers over many years: What are the key factors linking low educational achievement to socio-economic disadvantage? How do these factors interact with each other? What can schools do to offset socio-economic disadvantage?
Scholarship Open for: Students of UK can apply for this PhD scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: 1 Part-Time PhD Studentship is offered.
Scholarship Value:
The studentship includes full fees and a stipend in line with the agreed RCUK rates (currently £6863 per year for a part-time student). Progression to submission of thesis will be subject to satisfactory annual progress.
How to Apply?
Applicants for this scholarship must first submit a complete application for admission to the PhD Educational Studies (part-time) at the University of Glasgow. After the completed application for admission has been submitted online, applicants should send an email to Christopher.Chapman-at-glasgow.ac.uk by 5 pm on Wednesday 30 April 2014, including copies of all documents which have been submitted as part of the PhD application (proposal, references, transcript etc).
Application Deadline: 30 April 2014.
For further information: Educational Research PhD Scholarship at University of Glasgow