QUT reserves the right to terminate the scholarship after 6 months should a recipient’s progress be deemed unsatisfactory and/or the recipient fails to maintain an appropriate grade point average (GPA) of 5.0 in all required coursework units. The scholarship will provide: Applicant’s receive: $18,610 per year and If you’re an international student, you’ll receive: a QUT fee waiver. International and domestic students can apply for this scholarship.
Study Subjects and Level:
Scholarship is provided to study in the field of Accountancy at Queensland university of Technology. The Scholarship is obtainable for studying postgraduate research (master) program at Queensland university of Technology, Australia.
- Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 6 in your previous studies
- Be applying to start a Master of Business (Research) (Accountancy) in Semester 2, 2014
- Conduct your research on one of these approved topics:
- An empirical analysis of audit effectiveness in light of recent regulatory changes
- Assessing accountancy capstone’s effectiveness in the university-to-work transition
- Board characteristics’ influence on corporate reputation in Australian listed companies
- Concurrent independent forensic witness processes in Australia: the impact on quality, independence and effectiveness of forensic independent witnesses
- Corporate social and environmental performance information and related accountability practices
- Effective management accounting practices through a dynamic information system environment
- Floods and insurance in Queensland
- Performance disclosure in relation to elimination of fraud, bribery or corruption: evidence from corporations
- Profiling white-collar criminals: differences between offenders in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
- Social audit’: a tool for enhancing corporate accountability
- Social media and risk management
- The history of the changing research and development tax concessions
- The role of accounting in the Queensland coal seam gas (CSG) political debate.
Scholarship Open for:
Domestic and international students can apply for this Accountancy scholarship.
Scholarship Duration:
The duration of the scholarship will not be longer than the period required completing the relevant course of study. As this award is for Master of Business (Research), the term of the scholarship will be for 18 months, full time (48 credit points per semester). No extensions of the scholarship will be granted.
Scholarship Value:
Applicants will receive $18,610 per year and If they are an international student, they will receive a QUT fee waiver.
Selection Criteria:
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of merit.
How to Apply?
Step 1. Apply for the Master of Business (Research) (Accountancy): In the ‘Scholarship’ section of your application, nominate your intention to apply for the School of Accountancy’s Accelerate Scholarship. Applying for research degrees
Step 2. Apply for the scholarship: Complete and submit the School of Accountancy Accelerate Scholarship application form.
Application Deadline: 20th June 2014.
For further information: https://www.qut.edu.au/study/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships-and-prizes/school-of-accountancy-accelerate-scholarship