
Call for Researchers: KFPE’s Learning Events Program for Developing Countries, 2014

"KFPE Learning Events Program"

"KFPE Learning Events Program"Learning events enhance the educational, scientific and training competencies of individual researchers as well as their research institutions. KFPE’s Learning Events Program supports researchers from developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America involved in research partnerships with a Swiss institution and promotes interdisciplinary and intercultural learning. Swiss institutions and/or their partners in developing countries are invited to submit proposals for the learning events. Learning and training content should include soft skills, theories, methods, integrated approaches, thematic specializations and inter- and trans disciplinary working methods.

Study Subjects and Level:

Learning events enhance the educational, scientific and training competencies of individual researchers as well as their research institutions. Applications are invited for studying research program.


  • Applications must originate from a Swiss research/educational institution or a partner institution in a developing country. Applicants from developing countries must provide a letter of support from the head of the Swiss partner institution. All administrative issues must be coordinated by the Swiss institution (e.g. contract, money transfer, reporting etc.).
  • Applications must show that the proposed learning event is embedded in a research partnership project or program.
  • Applications must explicitly focus on learning for researchers from developing countries and promote the exchange between researchers from Switzerland and their partners from developing countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America (least developed, low income as well as lower middle income countries and territories – according to the OECD DAC List).
  • Supported researchers must hold a graduate degree (master level), or be PhD students or Post-Docs from Africa, Asia or Latin America.
  • Applicants must ensure that the learning event can be financed if only part of the requested funding will be approved by KFPE.
  • Learning events must last from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 1 month.

Scholarship Open for:

The students of (Afghanistan, Kenya, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Korea, Dem. Rep., Belize, Algeria, Bangladesh, Kyrgyz Rep., Bolivia, Anguilla, Benin, Tajikistan, Cameroon, Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Argentina, Burkina Faso, Congo, Rep., Azerbaijan, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Belarus, Cambodia, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African, Rep. El Salvador, Botswana, Chad ,Fiji, Brazil, Comoros, Georgia, Chile, Congo, Dem. Rep. ,Ghana, China, Djibouti, Guatemala, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Cook Islands, Eritrea, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, Cuba, Gambia, Indonesia, Dominica, Guinea, Iraq, Dominican Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Ecuador, Haiti, Marshall Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kiribati, Micronesia, Federated States Gabon, Laos, Moldova, Grenada, Lesotho, Mongolia, Iran, Liberia, Morocco, Jamaica, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Jordan, Malawi, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Mali, Pakistan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Libya, Mozambique, Paraguay, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Niger, Swaziland, Mexico, Rwanda, Syria, Montenegro, Samoa, Tokelau, Montserrat, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tonga, Namibia, Senegal, Turkmenistan, Nauru, Sierra Leone, Ukraine, Niue, Solomon Islands, Uzbekistan, Palau, Somalia, Vietnam, Panama, South Sudan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Peru, Sudan, Serbia, Tanzania, Seychelles, Timor-Leste ,South Africa, Togo, St. Helena, Tuvalu, St. Kitts-Nevis, Uganda, St. Lucia, Vanuatu, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Yemen, Suriname, Zambia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela and Wallis and Futuna) can apply for research position.

Scholarships Duration: Learning events must last from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 1 month.

Scholarship Value:

The total available amount of CHF 150’000 will be allocated to 3-4 projects. The Expenses covered:

  • Local costs for participating students and trainers from developing countries (e.g. accommodation, food, excursions, and local transport) will be covered by the grant. Travel costs for researchers from developing countries to the learning events are also financed.
  • Costs for participating students from Switzerland (e.g. travel, accommodation etc.) have to be borne by the students themselves or their home institution.
  • A share of the costs for the preparation and realization of the learning events is also covered. As a rule of thumb, costs are covered proportionately to the ratio of participants from developing countries, independent of the location of the learning event (global South or Switzerland).

Selection Criteria:

Applications will be selected for funding by a review committee consisting of KFPE members.

How to Apply?

The applying mode is by post. Application requirements:

  • Description of the activity (3-5 pages):

a) focus, goals, and target groups of the learning event
b) added value or learning effect for participants
c) number of trainees
d) organizational issues (e.g. involved organizations, responsibilities, etc.)
e) program outline;

  • Letters of support and/or interest by both a Swiss institution and a partner institution in the global South (max. one page each);
  • A short CV of the main applicant, including a list of recent publications; maximum 2 pages in length.
  • Detailed budget plan showing other contributions (in-kind or cash) accepted and requests made to other funding organizations.

Application Deadline: 28th February 2014.

For further information: KFPE’s Learning Events Program for Developing Countries

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