IELTS Speaking

IELTS English Speaking Preparation

"IELTS English Speaking Preparation"

"IELTS English Speaking Preparation"At first i just want to appreciate for taking your decsion to seat in the IELTS Examination.

Congratulation !!

Speaking Test: Actually speaking part is divided into three sections –

Part 1. Introduction and General Questions
Part 2. Long Turn
Part 3. Analytical Discussion

It is important to understand the criteria which will be in test in IELTS Examination.

First: Fluency & Coherence
Second: Lexical Resources
Third: Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Fourth: Pronunciation

At first i am going to explain “Fluency & Coherence” part very well than other part will describe on the next article.

Fluency & Coherence just refer five to do perfectly these are –

  1. Speak at length
  2. Organizing ideas logically
  3. Appropriately signposting
  4. Express and justify opinions
  5. Discuss and speculate about issues

Signpost: A post supporting a sign or signs with information or directions or an indication.

Tips to improve speaking test performance:

  • Just build on your point of view by adding a few details.


Question: What do you do?
Answer: I am a teacher. (Don’t use this, just specify with details)
Appropriate answer: I have been high school English teacher in Dhaka for over 5 years.

Long Turn:

Just identified with some bullet points. Notes the points by using keywords in the text cards which is given to you.

You can make best description of the topics with –

  • Reasons
  • Effects
  • Comparisons
  • Supporting Examples
  • Personal Experience

Just make sure you sign posting what’s you are say.

For Example: Discussing excessive TV watching you might mention –


1. Increasing number of TV channels compare to the generation.
2. Popularity of TV characters.


1. Increasing of obesity levels
2. Eyesight problem and other health issues


1. Who watching TV nothing except cartoons. He is not good at study.

Examples of Sign Posting:


“In my view there are two main differences”

Responding to a Point:

“Yes, I agree because ……”
“I am not sure I agree with that, you see …”

Speculating on the Future:

“I think we will probably see a lot of …..”
“Maybe there will be more …”
“It is unlikely that we will have …..”


Practice is the key to increase your fluency. There are no shortcut way. Practice in using English everyday communication as much as you can. Record yourself and talking about different topics than play it back and listen –

  • Linking expressions
  • Hesitation
  • Words you may be repeating
  • Slow

Assessment criteria of speaking:

  1. Appearance
  2. Body Language
  3. Creative ideas

IELTS examiner is very consistent with applications IELTS assessment criteria.

Just be with us to be continued …..

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